Important: The Web-API (also called HTTP-API) is deprecated and will be removed in the next Checkmk version 2.2.0. The Web-API will be replaced by the REST API. For more information, see the update to version 2.1.0 article.
This article contains a description of every command available in the Web-API. A general knowledge of the API’s syntax and other requirements as described in the main article will be assumed.
1. Activating changes
All changes made to the Checkmk-Server can be activated with the
command. In the request
-part you are allowed to add several options:
: With this option you can decide that only a list of sites should be activated. In this case you setspecific
as a value.sites
: If you changed themode
, here you need to specify which sites should be activated.allow_foreign_changes
: It is sometimes the case that other users also added changes at the same time. With this option you can define explicitly indicate that you also want to activate them. Pass the value1
for this. If you specify0
here instead, the changes will only be activated if there are no changes made by other users. If there are changes by other users though, the activation will not be carried out.comment
: Add a comment to your activation in the same way as in the web interface.
{"mode": "dirty",
"sites": [ "central", "remote1", "remote2" ],
"allow_foreign_changes": "0",
"comment: "Änderungen aus der WebAPI."}
Such a command can look like this, for example:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"sites":["mysite"],"allow_foreign_changes":"0"}'
{"result": {"sites": {"mysite": {"_time_updated": 1507118620.897177, "_status_details": "Started at: 14:03:33. Finished at: 14:03:40.", "_phase": "done", "_status_text": "Success", "_pid": 10633, "_state": "success", "_time_ended": 1507118620.897177, "_expected_duration": 10.0, "_time_started": 1507118613.630956, "_site_id": "mysite", "_warnings": []}}}, "result_code": 0}
2. Host commands
For hosts, the following commands can be executed in the API:
2.1. get_host
This command can be used to call up an individual host’s configuration. For this only the name of the host to be called up is needed. In the example below the output is in a format conveniently readable for humans. In practice the output will always be in a single line:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123"}'
{'result': {'attributes': {'alias': u'someAlias', 'tag_agent': 'cmk-agent', 'tag_criticality': 'prod', 'management_address': '', 'contactgroups': {'use_for_services': False, 'recurse_perms': False, 'recurse_use': False, 'use': True, 'groups': ['ad_admins']}, 'management_protocol': 'snmp', 'ipaddress': '', 'site': 'prod', 'tag_address_family': 'ip-v4-only', 'management_snmp_community': 'public'}, 'hostname': 'myserver123', 'path': ''}, 'result_code': 0}
Structured readably, the output can look like this:
{'attributes': {
'alias': u'My Server Alias',
'contactgroups': {'groups': ['ad_admins'],
'recurse_perms': False,
'recurse_use': False,
'use': True,
'use_for_services': False},
'ipaddress': '',
'management_address': '',
'management_protocol': 'snmp',
'management_snmp_community': 'public',
'site': 'prod',
'tag_address_family': 'ip-v4-only',
'tag_agent': 'cmk-agent',
'tag_criticality': 'prod'},
'hostname': 'myserver123',
'path': ''}
'result_code': 0}
Note that in the response only the fields explicitly defined for the host in Setup will be output. Values which include the defaults, or values inherited from a directory will not be output here. A response containing only the explicitly defined fields will therefore look like this:
{'attributes': {},
'hostname': 'myserver123',
'path': ''},
'result_code': 0}
This behaviour can be altered by passing the effective_attributes
parameter and setting it to ‘1’. The output will then include all attributes
– these are not listed again in the example:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123"}'
2.2. add_host
To add a host, the command must specify at least the host name and the directory.
Should the host be located in the home directory simply set two empty quotes (‘’).
Optionally the attributes – if available – can be set, nodes specified if a cluster
host is to be created, or the automatic creation of directories can be suppressed.
For the attributes you can use the output from the get_host
as a reference,
so that the configuration can look like below, for example:
{'hostname': 'myserver123',
'folder': 'munich/network',
'attributes': {'ipaddress': '',
'site': 'prod',
'tag_agent': 'cmk-agent'},
'create_folders': '0'}
The command will then be processed as usual. In the example, with the
option, the creation of new directories will be suppressed.
If nothing is specified it will be assumed that the creation of currently
non-existent directories is allowed.
The attributes will be listed in braces ({}) (as Dictionary).
Host tags can also be set here. To access these take the tag-group’s ID and
specify a tag_
as a prefix.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123","folder":"munich/network","attributes":{"ipaddress":"","site":"prod","tag_agent":"cmk-agent"},"create_folders":"0"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
2.3. edit_host
With this command a host’s attributes can be customised, or reset to its
standard values with unset_attributes
{'hostname': 'myserver123',
'unset_attributes': [ 'site', 'alias' ],
'attributes': {'parents': [ 'myRouter1', 'myRouter2' ],
'tag_agent': 'cmk-agent'}
Only the host name is obligatory here. Note that the attribute to be reset should be specified in a list.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123","unset_attributes":["site","alias"],"attributes":{"parents":["myRouter1","myRouter2"],"tag_agent":"cmk-agent"}}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
2.4. delete_host
To delete a host only the host’s name is required in the request-part since it must always be explicit in Checkmk:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
2.5. delete_hosts
From Version 1.5.0 you can use this command to delete more than one host at a time. You should be careful to spell the command correctly. The hosts will be delivered as a list:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostnames":["myserver123","myserver234"]}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
2.6. get_all_hosts
This command is the only one for the hosts which requires no additional data
to be entered. It simply outputs the info for all of the hosts in Checkmk.
Likewise as with get_host
— in this command it can
also be specified whether only the explicitly-coded, or
all attributes should be output.
Note that under some circumstances a very comprehensive response can be produced.
For this reason the response’s output will be omitted from the example here.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
2.7. discover_services
With this command all of a host’s services can be discovered and added.
The syntax of the request
command is the same as for get_host
however a summary of the results will be output with the response:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123"}'
{'result': 'Service discovery successful. Added 7, Removed 0, Kept 52, New Count 59', 'result_code': 0}
Additionally – as in Setup – using mode
it can be specified how
to handle the newly-discovered and the already configured services.
The possible options are:
: Only add new services. This is the default setting when no options are entered.remove
: Removes only services that are no longer available.fixall
: Removes services that are no longer available, and adds new ones.refresh
: Removes all services, and then adds all services as new.
The parameter will then be additionally passed with the host names:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myserver123","mode":"refresh"}'
{"result": "Service discovery successful. Added 6, Removed 5, Kept 48, New Count 54", "result_code": 0}
3. Directory commands
From Version 1.5.0 Checkmk provides the following commands for managing the directories in Setup:
3.1. get_folder
Querying the configuration of a directory is not much different from
that for a host. Enter the name of the directory, and
all attributes where applicable will be output.
In the example the output_format
will be converted to Python,
and all of the directory’s attributes will be output. Note that in the response
all tuples will be converted to lists if the output is formatted in JSON.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"folder":"munich/network"}'
{'result': {'attributes': {'network_scan': {'scan_interval': 86400, 'exclude_ranges': [], 'run_as': u'automation', 'ip_ranges': [], 'time_allowed': 0, 0), (24, 0}, 'tag_agent': 'cmk-agent', 'snmp_community': None, 'ipv6address': '', 'alias': '', 'management_protocol': None, 'site': 'heute', 'tag_room': 'weisses_haus', 'tag_criticality': 'prod', 'contactgroups': (True, []), 'network_scan_result': {'start': None, 'state': None, 'end': None, 'output': ''}, 'parents': ['heute'], 'tag_address_family': 'ip-v4-only', 'management_address': '', 'tag_networking': 'lan', 'ipaddress': '', 'management_snmp_community': None}, 'configuration_hash': '7001db7f20eee1cae51f9c696cddff42'}, 'result_code': 0}
As can be seen in the example, a directory must always be specified relative to the home directory since the path is always unique, but not the name.
The (readable) response will then appear like this (since some of the information delivered is not relevant here, the example shown has been abbreviated for clarity):
{'result': {'attributes': {'alias': '',
'contactgroups': (True, []),
'network_scan': {'exclude_ranges': [],
'ip_ranges': [],
'run_as': u'automation',
'scan_interval': 86400,
'time_allowed': 0, 0), (24, 0},
'network_scan_result': {'end': None,
'output': '',
'start': None,
'state': None},
'parents': [],
'site': 'prod',
'snmp_community': None,
'tag_address_family': 'ip-v4-only',
'tag_agent': 'cmk-agent',
'tag_criticality': 'prod',
'tag_networking': 'lan'},
'configuration_hash': '7001db7f20eee1cae51f9c696cddff42'}
'result_code': 0}
The ‘alias’ attribute will always be empty in the output – since directories are only created once and never internally renamed, via this attribute the display name in Setup can subsequently be customised. Note then that the name in Setup must not necessarily match the real name!
The configuration_hash
can be used if the directory must be modified.
3.2. add_folder
The insertion of directories also works in a similar way to that for hosts. As a minimum the name and the attribute will be required. The latter can also be blank as in the example below:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"folder":"munich/network/router","attributes":{}}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
As can be seen, the path here is likewise always specified relative to the
home directory. If a parent directory is not present one will be created.
This action can be suppressed if – in a similar way to
– the create_parent_folders
option is added and set to ‘0’.
3.3. edit_folder
To be able to edit a directory, as a minimum its name will be required.
Additionally, the attributes described in get_folder
can be customised. With the optional configuration_hash
it can be ensured
that the directory’s configuration will in the interim not be altered.
If the hash is not identical Checkmk will not alter the directory.
In the example the result from get_folder
can be used in order to
customise the configuration. Make sure to use Python as the request_format
since tuples can be present in the settings for the network scan:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"folder":"munich/network","attributes":{"network_scan":{"time_allowed":"18,0),(24,0"}},"configuration_hash":"7001db7f20eee1cae51f9c696cddff42"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
3.4. delete_folder
Deleting a directory is very easy. Simply enter its name. As always for directories that will be its relative path:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/ -d 'request={"folder":"munich/network"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
3.5. get_all_folders
Equally easy is the output of all directories. This is done in a similar way
to get_all_hosts
. Note that the output
format should be Python as with get_folder
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
{'result': {'': {}, 'munich/windows': {}, 'munich/network': {'network_scan': {'run_as': 'automation', 'exclude_ranges': [], 'ip_ranges': [('ip_network', ('', 24))], 'scan_interval': 86400, 'time_allowed': 20, 0), (24, 0}, 'tag_agent': 'snmp-only'}, 'munich': {}, 'berlin': {'tag_networking': 'dmz'}, 'berlin/databases': {'tag_criticality': 'critical'}, 'essen': {'tag_networking': 'wan'}, 'essen/linux': {}}, 'result_code': 0}
The output (in a readable form) looks like below. It differs from the query of an individual directory only in detail. The top line with the empty name field is the main directory.
{'result': {'': {},
'berlin': {'tag_networking': 'dmz'},
'berlin/databases': {'tag_criticality': 'critical'},
'essen': {'tag_networking': 'wan'},
'essen/linux': {},
'munich': {},
'munich/network': {'network_scan': {'exclude_ranges': [],
'ip_ranges': [('ip_network',
'run_as': 'automation',
'scan_interval': 86400,
'time_allowed': 20, 0), (24, 0},
'tag_agent': 'snmp-only'},
'munich/windows': {}},
'result_code': 0}
4. Group commands
With the Web-API, contact, host and service groups can be created, edited, deleted and of course also queried in Checkmk. The following commands are available for these tasks:
The command syntax is the same for the different types of groups. Only the command will be matched as appropriate to each group. For this reason each command type will only be explained once. The examples can then be carried-over for both of the other types of group. To make this clearer, different groups will be used in each of the examples.
Important: All commands must always include the group type.
If the subject is add_group
and a host group is to be added,
the required command is add_hostgroup
4.1. get_all_groups
This command – like other similar commands – will be invoked without extra parameters. The response will contain all groups with their names and aliases:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
{"result": {"oracle": {"alias": "ORACLE Administrators"}, "windows": {"alias": "Windows Administrators"}, "all": {"alias": "Everything"}, "linux": {"alias": "Linux Administrators"}}, "result_code": 0}
In an easy to read format the response will look like this. As can be seen the syntax is very simple:
{'result': {'all': {'alias': 'Everything'},
'linux': {'alias': 'Linux Administrators'},
'oracle': {'alias': 'ORACLE Administrators'},
'windows': {'alias': 'Windows Administrators'}},
'result_code': 0}
4.2. add_group
In order to add a group the syntax get_all_groups
can be used.
Only the group’s ID and its alias need to be given.
Note that when adding a new group, its ID with its groupname
key will be given:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"groupname":"linux", "alias":"All Linux Servers"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
4.3. edit_group
Due to the low complexity of the invocation, editing a group functions in
a similar way to its creation. The group name (groupname
) must
obviously already exist in order to be able to edit its alias.
In the example the service group ‘cpu_util’ does not exist yet and so the response
contains an error. In a successful action with the curl
the same response will be produced as with add_group
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"groupname":"cpu_util", "alias":"CPU utilization of all servers"}'
{"result": "Check_MK exception: Unknown group: linux", "result_code": 1}
4.4. delete_group
Deleting a group is also very easy. Only the group’s name needs to be entered.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"groupname":"linux"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
5. User commands
The following commands can be used for managing the users. Note however that users synchronised over LDAP or Active Directory can be queried but not edited.
5.1. add_users
To create a user, the minimum requirement is a user name (ID) and an alias.
So that the user can subsequently log in, a password will also need to be defined.
This password will be stored encrypted so that during a query the password
will not be transmitted as plain text. Only the password for the automated user
will not be encrypted. All further attributes for a
user are optional. To get an overview of a few possible attributes, you can
view the response example from get_all_users
The request
-part will begin with users
, so that multiple users
can be created with a single action. Each entry begins with the new user’s ID:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"users":{"hhirsch":{"alias":"Harry Hirsch","password":"myStrongPassword","pager":"+49176555999222"},"customAutomation":{"alias":"Custom Automation User","automation_secret":"mySuperStrongSecret"}}}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
5.2. edit_users
Editing a user functions in almost the same way as creating the user.
The user’s ID will be required, and the changes are specified with
. With unset_attributes
the attributes can
be reset to their default values. With these commands it is also possible to
edit multiple users in a single action.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"users":{"hhirsch":{"set_attributes":{"email":"","contactgroups":["windows"]},"unset_attributes":["pager"]}}}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
To recap, here is the request
-part in a readable form:
{'users': {'hhirsch': {'set_attributes': {'contactgroups': ['windows'],
'email': ''},
'unset_attributes': ['pager']}}}
5.3. delete_users
To delete one or more users, simply enter the user’s ID(s) in users
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"users":["customAutomation"]}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
5.4. get_all_users
No additional parameters are needed in the request
-part to retrieve
the configurations of all users. The response will then contain all user-IDs and
their associated attributes. Note that some attributes will only be output if
they are explicitly specified.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/
The output can be very comprehensive. For that reason only two examples of outputs listing a user’s attributes, amongst other things, are presented here:
{'automation': {'alias': u'Check_MK Automation - used for calling web services',
'automation_secret': 'myautomationsecret',
'contactgroups': [],
'disable_notifications': {},
'email': u'',
'enforce_pw_change': False,
'fallback_contact': False,
'force_authuser': False,
'force_authuser_webservice': False,
'last_pw_change': 1504517726,
'locked': False,
'notifications_enabled': False,
'num_failed_logins': 0,
'pager': '',
'password': '$1$508982$cA48GmuUHxRZn3w2GJUnK0',
'roles': ['admin'],
'serial': 2,
'start_url': ''},
'hhirsch': {'alias': u'Harry Hirsch',
'connector': 'htpasswd',
'contactgroups': ['windows'],
'disable_notifications': {'disable': True},
'email': u'',
'enforce_pw_change': True,
'fallback_contact': True,
'force_authuser': False,
'force_authuser_webservice': False,
'idle_timeout': 600,
'language': None,
'last_pw_change': 1504713006,
'locked': False,
'num_failed_logins': 1,
'pager': '+49176555999222',
'password': '$1$238168$dGIr7ja6DVn3E8rMlp1aD.',
'roles': ['admin', 'user'],
'serial': 1,
'start_url': ''}}
6. Rule Set commands
From Version 1.5.0 Checkmk also provides the facility for defining and retrieving rule sets via the Web-API. An in-depth knowledge of the rules’ syntax is a requirement for working with the following commands, meaning that they are really only recommended for advanced Checkmk users.
6.1. get_ruleset
Rules must already have been defined in a rule set in order for a rule set
to be retrievable. As input the rule set’s ID is required, and Python must be
defined as the output_format
since many rule sets work with tuples.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"ruleset_name":"checkgroup_parameters:filesystem"}'
{'result': {'ruleset': {'': [{'conditions': {'host_specs': ['myserver123'], 'service_specs': [u'/media/customers$'], 'host_tags': []}, 'options': {}, 'value': {'levels': (90.0, 95.0)}}, {'conditions': {'host_specs': ['myserver123'], 'service_specs': [u'/media/meetings$'], 'host_tags': []}, 'options': {}, 'value': {'show_levels': 'onproblem', 'levels': (90.0, 95.0), 'trend_range': 24, 'trend_perfdata': True}}]}, 'configuration_hash': 'e069408225932bbfe2a485f22b9fc40e'}, 'result_code': 0}
As can be seen in the following readably-formatted response, only the elements used in the rule will be listed. In addition the rules will be assigned as a list to a directory:
{'result': {'ruleset': {'munich': [{'conditions': {'host_specs': ['myserver123'],
'host_tags': [],
'service_specs': [u'/media/customer$']},
'options': {},
'value': {'levels': (90.0, 95.0)}},
{'conditions': {'host_specs': ['myserver123'],
'host_tags': [],
'service_specs': [u'/media/meeting$']},
'options': {},
'value': {'levels': (90.0, 95.0),
'show_levels': 'onproblem',
'trend_perfdata': True,
'trend_range': 24}}]},
'configuration_hash': 'e069408225932bbfe2a485f22b9fc40e'}
'result_code': 0}
A query always requires the respective rule’s internal name. The internal names (IDs) for all rules can be listed with the get_rulesets_info command, for example. For each entry – among other info – the rule’s title as can be found in Setup will also be listed. Use such functions if a rule set’s ID is unknown.
6.2. set_ruleset
Rule sets can also only be set as complete packets with which one or more
rules are defined for a specified directory. These rules will be summarised
in a list. It is advisable to first call up the current content of a rule set,
and to then use it as the basis for customising a new version.
The configuration_hash
parameter is also available here to be
able to understand interim changes. In the following example we will use the
response from above, and delete only one of the two rules — so that we
rewrite only one rule to this directory. Note that the request_format
is coded in Python – i.e., that the request
element is enclosed in
double-quotes (“ ”):
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d "request={'ruleset_name':'checkgroup_parameters:filesystem','ruleset': {'': [{'conditions': {'host_specs': ['myserver123'], 'service_specs': [u'/media/customers$'], 'host_tags': []}, 'options': {}, 'value': {'levels': (90.0, 95.0)}}],'configuration_hash': 'e069408225932bbfe2a485f22b9fc40e'}}"
{'result': None, 'result_code': 0}
The (readable) request
part looks like the following:
'ruleset': {
'': [{
'conditions': {
'host_specs': ['myserver123'],
'service_specs': [u'/media/customers$'],
'host_tags': []
'options': {},
'value': {'levels': (90.0, 95.0)}
'configuration_hash': 'e069408225932bbfe2a485f22b9fc40e'
6.3. get_rulesets_info
If an overview of which rule sets are in Checkmk is desired, they can be called up with this command. As can be seen Python is also recommended as the output format here:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
Since all available rule sets can be called up with this command, its output will be omitted here. It is coded like the other commands. Here are examples of two typical rule sets in an easily-readable format:
{'result': {'cmc_service_rrd_config': {'help': 'This configures how many datapoints will be stored of the performance values of services. Please note, that these settings only apply for new services. Existing RRDs cannot be changed.',
'number_of_rules': 1,
'title': 'Configuration of RRD databases of services'},
'static_checks:ipmi': {'help': None,
'number_of_rules': 0,
'title': 'IPMI sensors'}},
'result_code': 0}
This information is especially useful if the rule set’s title is known but not its ID, and it will help when coding scripts for automation by being able to use the normal titles, thus increasing the readability for maintenance or alterations.
7. Host tag commands
From Version 1.5.0 host tags can be set as well as read with the following two commands:
7.1. get_hosttags
All tags can be called up with this command. The Host tag groups as well as the Auxiliary tags will be output.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
{"result": {"aux_tags": [{"id": "snmp", "title": "monitor via SNMP"}, {"id": "tcp", "title": "monitor via Check_MK Agent"}], "tag_groups": [{"tags": [{"aux_tags": [], "id": "prod", "title": "Productive system"}, {"aux_tags": [], "id": "critical", "title": "Business critical"}, {"aux_tags": [], "id": "test", "title": "Test system"}, {"aux_tags": [], "id": "offline", "title": "Do not monitor this host"}], "id": "criticality", "title": "Criticality"}, {"tags": [{"aux_tags": [], "id": "lan", "title": "Local network (low latency)"}, {"aux_tags": [], "id": "wan", "title": "WAN (high latency)"}, {"aux_tags": [], "id": "dmz", "title": "DMZ (low latency, secure access)"}], "id": "networking", "title": "Networking Segment"}], "configuration_hash": "4c2a236ffeabb0c52d4770ea03eff48e"}, "result_code": 0}
Formatted for readability the response is structured as below:
{'result': {'aux_tags': [{'id': 'snmp', 'title': 'monitor via SNMP'},
{'id': 'tcp', 'title': 'monitor via Check_MK Agent'}],
'tag_groups': [{'id': 'agent',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': ['tcp'],
'id': 'cmk-agent',
'title': 'Check_MK Agent (Server)'},
{'aux_tags': ['snmp'],
'id': 'snmp-only',
'title': 'SNMP (Networking device, Appliance)'},
{'aux_tags': ['snmp'],
'id': 'snmp-v1',
'title': 'Legacy SNMP device (using V1)'},
{'aux_tags': ['snmp', 'tcp'],
'id': 'snmp-tcp',
'title': 'Dual: Check_MK Agent + SNMP'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'ping',
'title': 'No Agent'}],
'title': 'Agent type'},
{'id': 'criticality',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'prod',
'title': 'Productive system'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'critical',
'title': 'Business critical'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'test',
'title': 'Test system'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'offline',
'title': 'Do not monitor this host'}],
'title': 'Criticality'},
{'id': 'networking',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'lan',
'title': 'Local network (low latency)'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'wan',
'title': 'WAN (high latency)'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'dmz',
'title': 'DMZ (low latency, secure access)'}],
'title': 'Networking Segment'}],
'configuration_hash': '32deebf233cade1d42387c6a0639ceb1'},
'result_code': 0}
7.2. set_hosttags
A configuration in the host tags will, for technical reasons, always be written
as a completely new version, even if only a single entry has been added or altered.
For this reason, here it is advisable to call up the configuration with the
aid of get_hosttags
and then insert the alterations. The altered
configuration is then written back to Checkmk.
At this point the configuration_hash
is useful.
If when storing the configuration the hash on the Checkmk server does not
match the one being provided, the data will be rejected and an error produced.
In this way it can be ensured that the configuration has not been altered in
the interim, and that a change is not inadvertently overwritten or deleted.
In the following example the configuration which we called up with the command above will be extended with the host tag ‘location’ and its selection options ‘munich’, ‘essen’ and ‘berlin’, so that the new version of the configuration will look like this:
{'aux_tags': [{'id': 'snmp', 'title': 'monitor via SNMP'},
{'id': 'tcp', 'title': 'monitor via Check_MK Agent'}],
'tag_groups': [{'id': 'agent',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': ['tcp'],
'id': 'cmk-agent',
'title': 'Check_MK Agent (Server)'},
{'aux_tags': ['snmp'],
'id': 'snmp-only',
'title': 'SNMP (Networking device, Appliance)'},
{'aux_tags': ['snmp'],
'id': 'snmp-v1',
'title': 'Legacy SNMP device (using V1)'},
{'aux_tags': ['snmp', 'tcp'],
'id': 'snmp-tcp',
'title': 'Dual: Check_MK Agent + SNMP'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'ping',
'title': 'No Agent'}],
'title': 'Agent type'},
{'id': 'criticality',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'prod',
'title': 'Productive system'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'critical',
'title': 'Business critical'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'test',
'title': 'Test system'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'offline',
'title': 'Do not monitor this host'}],
'title': 'Criticality'},
{'id': 'networking',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'lan',
'title': 'Local network (low latency)'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'wan',
'title': 'WAN (high latency)'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'dmz',
'title': 'DMZ (low latency, secure access)'}],
'title': 'Networking Segment'},
{'id': 'location',
'tags': [{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'munich',
'title': 'Munich'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'essen',
'title': 'Essen'},
{'aux_tags': [],
'id': 'berlin',
'title': 'Berlin'}],
'title': 'Location'}],
'configuration_hash': '32deebf233cade1d42387c6a0639ceb1'},
This configuration can be included in the curl
invocation and sent to the Checkmk server:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"aux_tags":[{"id":"snmp","title":"monitor via SNMP"},{"id":"tcp","title":"monitor via Check_MK Agent"}],"tag_groups":[{"title":"Agent type","id":"agent","tags":[{"aux_tags":["tcp"],"id":"cmk-agent","title":"Check_MK Agent (Server)"},{"aux_tags":["snmp"],"id":"snmp-only","title":"SNMP (Networking device, Appliance)"},{"aux_tags":["snmp"],"id":"snmp-v1","title":"Legacy SNMP device (usingV1)"},{"aux_tags":["snmp","tcp"],"id":"snmp-tcp","title":"Dual: Check_MK Agent + SNMP"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"ping","title":"No Agent"}]},{"title":"Criticality","id":"criticality","tags":[{"aux_tags":[],"id":"prod","title":"Productive system"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"critical","title":"Business critical"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"test","title":"Test system"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"offline","title":"Do not monitor this host"}]},{"title":"Networking Segment","id":"networking","tags":[{"aux_tags":[],"id":"lan","title":"Local network (low latency)"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"wan","title":"WAN (high latency)"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"dmz","title":"DMZ (low latency, secure access)"}]},{"tags":[{"aux_tags":[],"id":"munich","title":"Munich"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"essen","title":"Essen"},{"aux_tags":[],"id":"berlin","title":"Berlin"}],"id":"location","title":"Location"}],"configuration_hash":"32deebf233cade1d42387c6a0639ceb1"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
8. Sites
From Version 1.5.0 the Distributed Monitoring can be used to establish or delete links to other sites. In this way completely new locations can be automatically integrated into Checkmk. The following commands are available:
8.1. get_site
Calling up a site works almost identically to other queries over the Web-API.
Enter the ID of the site to be called up in the request
Note that this command requires Python for its output_format
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"site_id":"myRemote"}'
{'result': {'site_id': 'myRemote', 'site_config': {'url_prefix': 'http://myRemoteServer/myRemote/', 'user_sync': None, 'user_login': True, 'insecure': False, 'disabled': False, 'replication': 'slave', 'multisiteurl': 'http://myRemoteServer/myRemote/check_mk/', 'replicate_mkps': True, 'status_host': ('heute', 'myRemote'), 'socket': ('proxy', {'params': None, 'socket': ('myRemoteServer', 6557)}), 'disable_wato': True, 'alias': u'My Remote Check_MK', 'timeout': 10, 'persist': True, 'replicate_ec': True}, 'configuration_hash': '136bd84ff62dfa4e0a4325c6431e294b'}, 'result_code': 0}
In lesbarer Form sieht die Antwort so aus:
{'result': {'site_id': 'myRemote',
'site_config': {'alias': u'My Remote Check_MK',
'disable_wato': True,
'disabled': False,
'insecure': False,
'multisiteurl': 'http://myRemoteServer/myRemote/check_mk/',
'persist': True,
'replicate_ec': True,
'replicate_mkps': True,
'replication': 'slave',
'socket': ('proxy',
{'params': None,
'socket': ('myRemoteServer', 6557)}),
'status_host': ('mysite', 'myRemote'),
'timeout': 10,
'url_prefix': 'http://myRemoteServer/myRemote/',
'user_login': True,
'user_sync': None},
'configuration_hash': '136bd84ff62dfa4e0a4325c6431e294b',},
'result_code': 0}
8.2. set_site
Connections to sites can only be altered in their entirety – thus if a
customisation is to be performed over the Web-API any existing
connections must be recreated as completely new versions. Here again, if
performing a customisation it is advisable to first call up the current version
with get_site
, to make the alterations in the response, and then
store this new version in Checkmk. Here also, as in
, the configuration_hash
can be used to ensure that in the interim no other alterations can be made
to the configuration.
In the following example we take the configuration shown above, and alter only
the Alias (alias
) and the Persistent Connection
). The request
format in this situation must be
in Python, and the request
-part in double-quotes (“”):
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d "request={'site_id': 'myRemote', 'site_config': {'url_prefix': 'http://myRemoteServer/myRemote/', 'user_sync': None, 'user_login': True, 'insecure': False, 'disabled': False, 'replication': 'slave', 'multisiteurl': 'http://myRemoteServer/myRemote/check_mk/', 'replicate_mkps': True, 'status_host': ('heute', 'myRemote'), 'socket': ('proxy', {'params': None, 'socket': ('myRemoteServer', 6557)}), 'disable_wato': True, 'alias': u'My Remote', 'timeout': 10, 'persist': False, 'replicate_ec': True}, 'configuration_hash': '136bd84ff62dfa4e0a4325c6431e294b'}"
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
8.3. delete_site
Only the site’s ID is required to delete the connection to a site.
In this case the configuration_hash
function can also be used.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"site_id":"myRemote"}'{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
8.4. login_site & logout_site
To be able to directly use a site connection established via Web-API, a login to, and a logout from the site can be performed. For the login, in addition to the site’s ID enter the user name and password.
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"site_id":"myRemote","username":"cmkadmin","password":"cmk"}'
{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
Entering the site’s ID is sufficient for logging out
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"site_id":"myRemote"}'{"result": null, "result_code": 0}
9. Agent Bakery commands
Automated agents can also be baked via the API. In this way the automatically-created configurations can be fed directly into the agents. Only the signing of the agents still needs to be performed manually, so that the freshly-baked agent’s configuration can be verified one final time, and that you retain full control over which agents will actually be delivered to the hosts.
Calling up is very easy and it uses the bake_agents
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
{"result": "Successfully baked agents", "result_code": 0}
10. Commands for status data
10.1. Metrics
Checkmk in fact provides the facility for integrating external metrics
data bases. In principle however, with the get_graph
command Checkmk’s
metrics data can be accessed by any third-party software. In this way the user
is not bound to our standard-issue graphs and can utilise their own self-created
custom graphs. The data will then always be produced for a complete graph, even
when the graph includes multiple metrics.
If you wish to call up one of our standard graphs,
the syntax for the request
-part is as follows:
{'specification': ['template',
{'graph_index': 0,
'host_name': 'myserver123',
'service_description': 'Memory',
'site': 'mysite'}],
'data_range': {'time_range': [1504623158, 1504626758]}}
Be sure to enter the time range in Unix Time. The graph_index
specifies the graph to be retrieved.
In the example the first graph we have retrieved is from the Memory service,
which under Linux is located in the Memory RAM + Swap overview service.
If instead of this you want to retrieve the RAM used graph, count through
the graphs, beginning with 0. A complete retrieval for a time range of 10 minutes
(600 Seconds) will look like this, for example:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"specification":["template",{"service_description":"Memory","site":"heute","graph_index":4,"host_name":"heute"}],"data_range":{"time_range":[1504626158, 1504626758]}}'
{"result": {"step": 60, "start_time": 1504626180, "end_time": 1504626780, "curves": [{"color": "#80ff40", "rrddata": [3752390000.0, 3746380000.0, 3770930000.0, 3773230000.0, 3796020000.0, 3787010000.0, 3777880000.0, 3781040000.0, 3798920000.0, 3805910000.0], "line_type": "area", "title": "RAM used"}]}, "result_code": 0}
Querying a self-created graph is somewhat simpler since this is not
bound to a particular host or service or to a particular site.
Neverless, remember that an automated user, e.g. automation
can only retrieve such a graph if it has been enabled for all users:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"specification":["custom","all_disk_utilization"],"data_range":{"time_range":[1504709932, 1504710532]}}'
{"result": {"step": 60, "start_time": 1504709940, "end_time": 1504710540, "curves": [{"color": "#ea905d", "rrddata": [6.2217, 0.728733, 0.7748, 0.158085, 1.90726, 15.2222, 22.6851, 7.31163, 1.96834, 0.413633], "line_type": "stack", "title": "Disk utilization sdb"}, {"color": "#a05830", "rrddata": [1.45488, 0.101608, 0.0832167, 0.0342933, 0.235585, 0.166253, 14.9513, 25.112, 11.2032, 0.400437], "line_type": "stack", "title": "Disk utilization sda"}]}, "result_code": 0}
10.2. SLAs
From 1.5.0 SLAs can be retrieved with the get_sla
command. For such a query, the following time data can be used:
Time Range | ID in the query |
Today |
d0 |
Yesterday |
d1 |
This week |
w0 |
Last week |
w1 |
This month |
m0 |
Last month |
m1 |
This year |
y0 |
Last year |
y1 |
The last… |
last:86400 |
Time range |
range:1530271236:1530281236 |
The actual syntax for retrieving one or more SLAs is as follows:
{'query': [[['my_sla_id1'],
['w1', w0],
[['myhost123', 'CPU load'], ['myhost234', 'CPU load']]],
[['myhost123', 'CPU load']]]],
You can specify any number of values in each list, and for single or multiple SLAs also include multiple host/service pairs and multiple timers. So in the example shown the first list would return four results – (2 time periods x 2 host/service pairs) – and the second list a single result. In the following example call we will only retrieve the second list:
curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d "request={'query': [[['my_sla_id2'],['m0'],[['myhost123','CPU load']]]]}"
The output in readable form is then structured as follows:
{'result': {'mysite':
{'CPU load': {(
('myhost123', 'CPU load'),
(0, 1)),
{'plugin_results': [{
'plugin_id': 'service_state_percentage',
'timerange_sla_duration': 1000934.0,
'period_results': [{
'duration': 604800.0,
'sla_broken': False,
'subresults': [{
'sla_broken': False,
'requirement': (0, 'min', 0.0),
'error_instances': [],
'deviation_info': {
'deviation': 0.0,
'limit': 0.0,
'levels': (0, 0),
'deviation_state': 2}}],
'statistics': {
'duration': {-1: 604800.0},
'percentage': {-1: 100.0}},
'timerange': (1529272800.0, 1529877600.0)},
{'duration': 396134.0,
'sla_broken': False,
'subresults': [{
'sla_broken': False,
'requirement': (0, 'min', 0.0),
'error_instances': [],
'deviation_info': {
'deviation': 2.7202916184927326,
'limit': 0.0,
'levels': (0, 0),
'deviation_state': 0}}],
'statistics': {
'duration': {0: 10776, -1: 385358.0},
'percentage': {0: 2.7202916184927326, -1: 97.27970838150726}},
'timerange': (1529877600.0, 1530273734)}]}],
'sla_id': 'sla_configuration_1',
'sla_period': 'weekly'}}}}},
'result_code': 0}
11. Commands for Grafana
Special commands are needed in order to be able to use the Grafana plug-in — which Checkmk implements as a Datasource. Of course you can also use these commands independently of Grafana or the plug-in:
11.1. get_user_sites
A user is not necessarily allowed to access all sites. The following command can be used to find out which sites are available to the automation user. It does not require any options:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/"
The output contains a list of the sites together with their alias:
[['mysite', 'My Site Alias'],
['myremote1', 'My Remote 1 Alias']]
11.2. get_host_names
A typical Web-API command always targets a single specific Checkmk site. With this command you can get a list of the host names for all connected sites. It doesn’t matter whether there are remote sites that are configured via the one being retrieved, or if there is only a reading connection. The Checkmk command only outputs the names of the hosts that are known to the individual sites. You can optionally limit the query to a single site:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"site_id":"mysite"}'
The output will contain a simple list of the host names:
['myhost123', 'myhost234', 'myremotehost345']
Important: The response does not contain any information showing on which site the host is running. Duplicate names can therefore no longer be assigned.
11.3. get_metrics_of_host
You can use this command when you need information about what metrics a host uses. It is also very suitable as a basis for the already long-available command
. Here too you can optionally specify a particular site:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"hostname":"myremotehost345", "site_id":"myremote1"}'
Since the answer includes the metrics of all services for the host, here is only a small excerpt as an example of what such an output could look like. As you can see here, the output can also include services that do not have any metrics:
{'CPU utilization':
{'check_command': 'check_mk-kernel.util',
{'system': {'index': 3, 'name': 'system', 'title': 'System'},
'user': {'index': 2, 'name': 'user', 'title': 'User'},
'util': {'index': 0, 'name': 'util', 'title': 'CPU utilization'},
'wait': {'index': 1, 'name': 'io_wait', 'title': 'I/O-wait'}
{'Mount options of /':
{'check_command': 'check_mk-mounts',
'metrics': {}
11.4. get_graph_recipes
With this command you get all of the necessary information for a concrete graph. Such a graph definition contains not only the metrics involved, but also their colours, units, titles, the resolution, etc. The request
part of the command is very similar to that of the get_graph
command. You do not need to specify a time period here, since it only applies to the general data. Here is an example for the CPU load service:
root@linux# curl "http://myserver/mysite/check_mk/" -d 'request={"specification":["template", {"service_description": "CPU load", "graph_index": 0, "host_name": "myhost123", "site": "mysite"}]}'
And the response to the query for this service could then look like this:
{'result': [{'consolidation_function': 'max',
'explicit_vertical_range': (None, None),
'horizontal_rules': [(20.0, '20.0', '#ffff00', u'Warning'),
(40.0, '40.0', '#ff0000', u'Critical')],
'metrics': [{'color': '#00d1ff',
'expression': ('rrd',
u'CPU load',
'line_type': 'area',
'title': u'CPU load average of last minute',
'unit': ''},
{'color': '#428399',
'expression': ('rrd',
u'CPU load',
'line_type': 'line',
'title': u'CPU load average of last 5 minutes',
'unit': ''},
{'color': '#2c5766',
'expression': ('rrd',
u'CPU load',
'line_type': 'line',
'title': u'CPU load average of last 15 minutes',
'unit': ''}],
'omit_zero_metrics': False,
'specification': ('template',
{u'graph_index': 0,
u'host_name': u'heute',
u'service_description': u'CPU load',
u'site': u'heute'}),
'title': u'CPU Load - 4.0 CPU Cores',
'unit': ''}],
'result_code': 0}
12. Retrieval options and command overview
12.1. Commands
Command | request_format | output_format | Required | Optional |
Host commands | ||||
get_host |
- |
python |
host name |
effective_attributes |
add_host |
python |
- |
host name, folder |
attributes, nodes, create_folders |
edit_host |
python |
- |
host name |
unset_attributes, attributes, nodes |
delete_host |
- |
- |
host name |
- |
delete_hosts |
- |
- |
host names |
- |
get_all_hosts |
- |
python |
- |
effective_attributes |
discover_services |
- |
- |
host name |
mode |
Directory commands | ||||
get_folder |
- |
- |
folder |
effective_attributes |
add_folder |
- |
- |
folder, attributes |
create_parent_folders |
edit_folder |
- |
- |
folder |
attributes, configuration_hash |
delete_folder |
- |
- |
folder |
configuration_hash |
get_all_folder |
- |
- |
- |
effective_attributes |
Group commands | ||||
add_contactgroup, add_hostgroup, add_servicegroup |
- |
- |
group name, alias, customer* |
nagvis_maps** |
edit_contactgroup, edit_hostgroup, edit_servicegroup |
- |
- |
group name, alias, customer* |
nagvis_maps** |
delete_contactgroup, delete_hostgroup, delete_servicegroup |
- |
- |
group name |
get_all_contactgroups, get_all_hostgroups, get_all_servicegroups |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Group commands | ||||
add_users |
- |
- |
users |
- |
edit_users |
- |
- |
users |
- |
delete_users |
- |
- |
users |
- |
get_all_users |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Ruleset commands | ||||
get_ruleset |
- |
Python |
ruleset_name |
- |
set_ruleset |
Python |
- |
ruleset_name, ruleset |
configuration_hash |
get_ruleset_info |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Host tag commands | ||||
get_hosttags |
- |
- |
- |
- |
set_hosttags |
- |
- |
tag_groups, aux_tags |
configuration_hash |
Site commands | ||||
get_site |
- |
Python |
site_id |
- |
set_site |
Python |
- |
site_config, site_id |
configuration_hash |
delete_site |
- |
- |
site_id |
configuration_hash |
login_site |
- |
- |
site_id, username, password |
- |
logout_site |
- |
- |
site_id |
- |
Grafana commands | ||||
get_user_sites |
- |
- |
- |
- |
get_host_names |
- |
- |
- |
site_id |
get_metrics_of_host |
- |
- |
hostname |
site_id |
get_graph_recipes |
- |
- |
specification |
- |
Other commands | ||||
activate_changes |
- |
- |
- |
mode, sites, allow_foreign_changes, comment |
bake_agents |
- |
- |
- |
- |
get_graph |
- |
- |
specification, data_range |
- |
* Only used with the Checkmk Enterprise Managed Services Edition
** Only for contact group commands