
Checkmk 2.3.0 – the highlights

Checkmk 2.3.0 contains many improvements at detail level and some exciting new features. For example, Checkmk Cloud integrates synthetic monitoring with Robotmk for the first time. Numerous usability improvements make it easier to work with Checkmk. And systems that are jointly administered by many people in particular benefit from improved change management. Anyone programming extensions for Checkmk can now access improved Check and Graphing APIs.

Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring

As of version 2.3, Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring is a new add-on based on Robotmk. Robotmk is in turn based on the leading open source tool Robot Framework for test automation. The seamless integration of Robot Framework offers several advantages. No adaptation of existing tests is necessary and the UI of Checkmk enables access to IT infrastructure monitoring as well as application monitoring. In this way, Checkmk combines proactive and reactive monitoring in one platform.

New active checks for web and certificate monitoring

Checkmk 2.3.0 contains a new active check for HTTP connections and certificates, which is significantly better performing, more robust and easier to configure than the previous check_http. In addition, it is now possible to monitor several things at once with a single rule, for example HTTP response code, response time and certificate validity.

The previous check_http contained basic functionality for checking certificates and the check_httpv2 mentioned in the previous section improves on this. However, both have a few things in common: First of all, they are just only applicable if a certificate is used at an HTTPS endpoint, moreover, they lack the possibility of a detailed examination of the certificates, for example for contained Certificate Subject Alternative Names or the issuing authority. We have implemented the resulting user requirements with the new check_cert.

Dear reader
We are pleased that you have found your way to Checkmk.

As a monitoring software, Checkmk offers comprehensive and specialized solutions for dealing with the very diverse environments of IT infrastructures. This inevitably requires a very comprehensive documentation which goes beyond the mere description of the obvious. Our User Guide will help you as much as possible to better understand Checkmk, use Checkmk to implement your requirements, as well as helping you to discover new ways of solving problems.

To make the handling of Checkmk as easy as possible, the articles in this User Guide follow rather unusual approaches in many places. It is almost never a matter of simply copying a prefabricated sequence of individual steps. Rather, it is intended to give you, the reader, a deeper understanding of a feature in Checkmk.

To briefly summarize, our most important premise is that the User Guide should be helpful. And it is most helpful when you can implement our description as a solution for your own problem. Read more…

New to Checkmk?

There's a first time for everything, even with Checkmk. Since you are presented with a large number of options and functions in Checkmk, sometimes it can be difficult to find your way through the first steps.

Nevertheless, to make sure you can start your first Checkmk monitoring quickly and more easily, we have written a Beginner's Guide. This will give you a compact step-by-step introduction to Checkmk, and it is structured in such a way that you can read it quickly from beginning to end and participate right away. Therefore, it is short and concise and does not dwell on unnecessary details. By the end of the Beginner's Guide you will have a functional Checkmk system.

Featured Topic: Checkmk 2.3.0

Checkmk 2.3.0 contains many improvements at detail level and some exciting new features. For example, Checkmk Cloud integrates synthetic monitoring with Robotmk for the first time. Numerous usability improvements make it easier to work with Checkmk. And systems that are jointly administered by many people in particular benefit from improved change management. Anyone programming extensions for Checkmk can now access improved Check and Graphing APIs.

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Updating Checkmk and using multiple instances

Checkmk 2.3.0 – the highlights

Checkmk 2.3.0 contains many improvements at detail level and some exciting new features. For example, Checkmk Cloud integrates synthetic monitoring with Robotmk for the first time. Numerous usability improvements make it easier to work with Checkmk. And systems that are jointly administered by many people in particular benefit from improved change management. Anyone programming extensions for Checkmk can now access improved Check and Graphing APIs.

Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring

As of version 2.3, Checkmk Synthetic Monitoring is a new add-on based on Robotmk. Robotmk is in turn based on the leading open source tool Robot Framework for test automation. The seamless integration of Robot Framework offers several advantages. No adaptation of existing tests is necessary and the UI of Checkmk enables access to IT infrastructure monitoring as well as application monitoring. In this way, Checkmk combines proactive and reactive monitoring in one platform.

New active checks for web and certificate monitoring

Checkmk 2.3.0 contains a new active check for HTTP connections and certificates, which is significantly better performing, more robust and easier to configure than the previous check_http. In addition, it is now possible to monitor several things at once with a single rule, for example HTTP response code, response time and certificate validity.

The previous check_http contained basic functionality for checking certificates and the check_httpv2 mentioned in the previous section improves on this. However, both have a few things in common: First of all, they are just only applicable if a certificate is used at an HTTPS endpoint, moreover, they lack the possibility of a detailed examination of the certificates, for example for contained Certificate Subject Alternative Names or the issuing authority. We have implemented the resulting user requirements with the new check_cert.